Monday, February 1, 2010

Blog Entry #2

Today was rather interesting as our group of mentorship students took part in a personality test which helped you to determine strengths and weaknesses based on your character traits. After taking the test I found I was very strongly determined to be melancholy. After looking over the said strengths and weaknesses I have to agree. It describes me as a good student, creative, organized, orderly, sensitive, analytical, and demanding on oneself. I can most certainly see these characteristics within myself in everyday life. However, there were also weaknesses based on my character traits. These weaknesses included inflexibility, criticalness, poor self-image, need for approval, gloominess, pessimism, and critical of my own imperfections. Unfortunately, I have to admit these fit my personality as well. I know my family certainly gets frustrated when everything has to go "my way" and I have trouble adjusting and rising above situations that don't turn out the way I want them to. I also know I tend to take myself out of social situations, as I would rather just stay to myself and remain reserved. I know this does not make me a team player and it certainly qualifies as a weakness of mine. However, today I learned that weaknesses can be overcome by recognition and that by knowing my own personal weaknesses I can make conscious decisions to overcome my weaknesses and allow my stregnths to outshine my problems. This will help to make me a better mentor, student, and person in general.

1 comment:

  1. There are many melancholics in a group-I am married to one. I tend to envy their 'sense of self'. Sanguine types tend to be such people pleasers.

    It is huge for people to know their strengths and weaknesses-I liked what Miss Elizabeth said that knowing our temperaments is NEVER an excuse for poor behavior/choices.
